David Heron, Doctor of Acupuncture And Chinese Medicine, L.Ac, NCCAOM Diplomate

Every patient is important at Oakland Hills Acupuncture. My goal is to help them improve and maintain their health. I understand that when people are sick, they want to be better; and when people are in pain, they want to be free from it. With this simple understanding, I have never let any ideology prevent me from learning effective methods for helping people. Whether a method is traditional or modern if it has proven to be effective and safe, I see it as a viable option. Please visit Services and Conditions to learn more about what I offer.

I believe the best way for me to help people is to be be well-trained in all aspects of Chinese Medicine while also being fluent in Western Medical language. I have completed over 4,500 hours of training in Chinese Medicine, including:

  • Doctor Of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, San Diego
  • Master’s Degree in Traditional Oriental Medicine, Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, San Diego
  • Diploma Of Chinese Medicine Dermatology – International Association Of Chinese Medicine Dermatology
  • Advanced Clinical Training Certification, Liaoning University of TCM, Shenyang, China
  • Advanced Clinical Training, Zheng Qi Tang Clinic, Lanzhou, China

I am licensed to practice in the state of California and I am nationally Board Certified in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine.

Prior to my study of Chinese Medicine my studies and work experience were in Western Medicine. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from New York University (NYU). I then worked in clinical research, first working on cardiovascular research at the Cardiovascular Research Foundation and then later researching Alzheimer’s Disease as a Clinical Research Coordinator at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. Prior to my research experience, I worked as a certified Emergency Medical Technician in New York City.

Also: Yelp
Published Articles:
-The Medical Use Of Chinese Herbal Baths In Liaoning, China. California Journal Of Chinese Medicine, Spring, 2014
-Language As Metaphor For Medicine: Chinese Herbalism Within A ‘Bilingual’ Model of Integrative Medicine. Red Pine Chinese Herbs EssayContest, Second Place, 2013
-Chinese Pediatric Tui-Na: The Gentle Side Of Chinese Medicine. OM Newspaper, Essay Contest Winner, Spring 2013

Lucien Klein, Certified Massage Therapist

I provide a form of massage that blends elements of Swedish, Shiatsu, and trigger point therapy that integrates circular motion to address problem areas. I specialize in deep tissue work and addressing myofacial adhesions and trigger points; the tight knots and underlying ‘crunchiness’ that accumulate in heavily used muscle. Breaking up that crunchiness allows a greater range of motion and easier movement. Whether you struggle with repetitive motion and stress, spending all day at a desk, massage is an excellent way to relax, recover, and treat yourself.