- (510) 982-1875
Acupuncture M, W, Th, Fri 9 AM – 5 PM Massage Tues, Sat 10 AM – 5PM -
4400 Keller Ave #250
Oakland, CA 94605
Welcome To Oakland Hills Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine
David Heron, DACM, L.Ac
​Individualized Herbal Therapy And Acupuncture Treatments
Every patient is important at Oakland Hills Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine. My goal is to help them improve and maintain their health. I understand that when people are sick, they want to be better; and when people are in pain, they want to be free from it. With this simple understanding, I have never let any ideology prevent me from learning effective methods for helping people. Whether a method is traditional or modern if it has proven to be effective and safe, I see it as a viable option.
Acupuncture has been used successfully for thousands of years and continues to provide healing results.
I have been able to help many people with common orthopedic complaints.
Chinese Medicine Dermatology
The treatment process consists of an initial evaluation where skin lesions can be examined and photo documented. At the initial evaluation herbs are selected for you based on your current presentation . The herbs are to be prepared and drank twice daily, a process that takes less than five minutes for preparation.